Take your lunch break by Massoma

Book Review by Monika Singh

Monika Singh
7 min readAug 25, 2022

After reading every page, I can't stop myself from thinking over it & dig deeper into it.

One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide. — Brene Brown

Do you feel anxious?

Here is a fantastic book related to anxiety, stress & mental health!

Take Your Lunch Break by Massoma
Image Edited by Monika Singh

Book Review

How can someone describe all the experiences of stressful life, & anxiety in such a fantastic manner?

My heart resonates with the content & helpful tips. And brain told me to go slow & feel all the scenarios of the stories visually. So, It took me several days to complete it!

This book covers the basics of anxiety & stress, its roots & reasons, and prevention & recovery steps.

Along with it, each chapter has fantastic stories of real human beings coping with stress & anxiety, & how they've tried to deal with it.

From the start, the root reasons are enough to gain attention & to understand the work life.

And how to set proper boundaries with the people who are worsening your mental health & anxiety.

I love how unique the content is formatted & arranged to give your proper answers despite being a non-fiction book.

It's not a surprise how the work culture is changing!

Work is important. But working with the right expectations, process, strategy & amount is more important.

And the author has done a splendid job of helping us manage our work life & human relations in our personal life.

Characters in the Interview stories are genuine, either taken therapy despite having a prestigious job status or have researched to figure out actionable tips to deal with it.

The cover is just perfect! It'll remind you to take a break from the stressful work life & recharge yourself!

I want to thank her for writing this heart-touching book, which hit hard on reality!

Recommended To: People who regularly suffer from anxiety and stress.

Reading Tip: Go slow. Allow your mind to absorb & soul to resonate. And start working on the things where you are doing wrong.

Some unique Insights From this Book

I would obsessively think about how difficult my life was, and my anxiety was becoming a core part of my identity.

After nine years in therapy, on medications, and reading many books, something finally clicked. I finally overcame my anxiety.

An essential part of overcoming my anxiety was understanding where it stemmed from

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Many people, including physicians, ignore hospitalization's mental consequences.

The end of my hospitalization was only the beginning of my anxiety and panic disorder.

This traumatic experience took a huge emotional toll on me. I often cried, especially at night, recollecting my memories of the hospitalization.

At the time, I did not fully process what I had been through. Unprocessed traumatic experiences can cause anxiety.

After working through my anxiety and making lifestyle changes, my work performance also changed drastically.

My pain turned into purpose. Those struggles are now my strengths, and now I am in a position to help others.

Photo by faucets

When stress results in disturbances to your health, such as poor sleep, poor concentration, attention-related problems, and the inability to do what you usually do, it's time to take action to improve your health.

Eat Well for Less Stress

If you feel like you depend on food for relief or are eating excessively, you may seek it to address your underlying anxiety and stress.

Many of us reached for comfort foods during the pandemic.

We might also neglect our sleep to put in a few more work hours.

There may be no actual harm if you get to work on time.

You might have past traumas that aren't healed and create mental clutter.

In other situations, your clutter could be digital files or applications that are obsolete or distracting.

You might have physical clutter in your workspace, making it tough to find what you need because so many things around you are optional.

The same method will help you clear all these types of clutter. Practice minimalism and get rid of anything not essential.

Ruggieri is the kind of person who will see someone on the street and randomly think,

Do they know how loved they are? Do they know what a wonderful creation they are?

As she uttered these words, she became teary-eyed. This also ties into her Christian faith about her life's purpose — to serve others.

Her love for others and her faith are resilience superchargers.

When faced with adversity, she goes straight to looking for the positive, and then trying to find a way to this situation is part of her purpose.

Ruggieri is also very finely tuned into her emotional needs and asks for help when she needs it instead of trying to fake it and act like nothing is wrong.

Work doesn't have to be this way, and she combines her refocus, reset, and reframe tools to help this client find a solution.

There are workarounds to address almost any challenge.

St. John recommends you arrange mutually acceptable expectations for email, text messages, and phone calls that let you do your best work yet still be responsive to critical communications and the overall flow of information throughout your organization.

The thing they don’t tell you about in therapy is when you face your traumatic event, it is quite painful and emotional at first, but that doesn’t have to be the case forever.

She described therapy as life-changing." When I asked her how so, she had plenty to say.

Deyanah finally talked in a safe space with someone who listened to her and wanted to know why she felt the way she did.

She found a space without being told to shut down her feelings. Instead, she explored those feelings.

She referred to therapy as a "mental gym" and said, "I go to the gym, I work out, I eat pretty clean, and I like to stay healthy.

So why have I been neglecting my brain for so long?

None of that other stuff matters if your mental health is just not there.

We focused on being grateful and taking it day by day, which helped us get through this very difficult time.

Some Tips for Better Life

There are many ways to break out of this cycle of procrastination, including:

  • Be aware you are procrastinating.
  • Understand why you're procrastinating.
  • Have an accountability buddy, someone who can check on your progress.
  • Verbally commit yourself to the task you need; you may even write it on paper.
  • Reward yourself, celebrate when you don't procrastinate, and get the job done!
  • Remember, as you do unwanted tasks, you'll have more time for enjoyable things.

Some Tips for Better Health

The cost to our health and stress levels when we don’t get enough restful sleep is eye-opening. Lack of sleep can slow you down at work in more ways than one.

Getting a good night's sleep can improve your mood, boost your immune health, and alleviate symptoms of depression.

A better night's sleep might reduce stressors, reducing your stress.

  • All day, the less caffeine you intake, the better for your sleep phase.
  • The three fundamental components of good physical health — diet, exercise, and sleep — will go a long way toward improving your symptoms of stress.
  • Abusive supervision can have an enormous effect on your mental and emotional health.
  • Life is too short to work in a toxic environment.
  • Talking to a trusted friend, coworker, or career counselor may help you see new possibilities you can't see on your own so you can create your exit.
Photo by Pixabay

Book Blurb

If you are tired of stress and anxiety impacting your work performance and health, you've chosen the right book.

Take Your Lunch Break: Helpful Tips for Relieving Work-Related Stress contains author Massoma Alam Chohan's personal story of how anxiety almost cost her job and mental health, plus tons of research and original interviews with mental health professionals and high-performing leaders.

You'll find twelve chapters packed with insights on:

Workplace stressors: how they create or trigger feelings of anxiety so that you can act on them.

The root causes of anxiety and their effects on your well-being in the workplace

Holistic stress management habits you can cultivate to be unshakable

Ways to navigate performance anxiety, coworker tension, and burnout to build resilience

Practical strategies for work that work to create a better work-life balance and how to ask for it

Take Your Lunch Break is for anyone who wants to ignite their passion, create a less stressful workplace, and clear their mind with renewed focus at work and home.

Pack your lunch and get ready to embark on a transformational journey!

You can Buy it from Amazon

I hope it helps.

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Monika Singh

Bestselling Author, Blogger, Writer | Books, Emotions, Life | Book: How Emotion, People, and Success Fooled You | 3.2K on Insta | linktr.ee/moniread